6 ways to get ready for a New Year

Get ready for 2015 with these 6 ways

And just like that, Christmas is over.

I really wish Christmas lasted longer than just a day, but I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating with loved ones and remembering the true meaning of Christmas, just like I did.

Now, we are only three days away from the New Year.

Pretty crazy right.

I love how each New Year is a brand-new chance to build new memories, to chase new dreams, to learn new lessons.

But a new year is also scary in some ways because nothing in the future is certain. Despite all the uncertainty that is ahead, I love getting ready for a New Year.

So as we look forward to all that is head, here are six ways to get ready for 2015.

1. Reflect on the past year.

What was 2014 like for you? What did you learn? What experiences did you have? I like using these questions to help me reflect on the year.

2. Decide what will change.

Now that you’ve had 365 more days of experience, what would you like to change in the New Year? Since there are always ways to evolve, change and grow, now is a good time to determine how 2015 will be different from the year before.

3. Start new habits.

Choose which habits you will form in the New Year and get excited for them! I embarked on my first habit challenge in November and I look forward to more new habits next year.

4. Set goals.

Whether you call them goals, resolutions, or intentions, the New Year is a great time to start anew with a fresh, clean slate of things you want to accomplish in the New Year.

5. Be accountable.

Find people who will keep you accountable for the goals you have set for yourself in 2015.

6. Get organized.

Whether it’s physical or metaphorical, leave the clutter of the past year behind and figure out how you will simplify your life in the coming year. Organize your life and get ready to start 2015 afresh!

So how are you getting ready for the New Year?

2 thoughts on “6 ways to get ready for a New Year

  1. This is such a great list, very similar to my own process. I take January as my planning month, and am currently going through this process. Off to check out that link on reflection… you always have the best links.

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