Project Life 2014 | week 15


As promised, I’m sharing more of the Project Life spreads that I managed to finish over the last weekend.

Oh, these weeks seem like such a long, long time ago. And rightly so, because they happened in April earlier this year and we’re already in December.

Anyhow, I skipped week 14 because I have almost no photos for that week and I’m still trying to figure out how I am going to fill up the 12×12 spreads.

Week of: 7 to 13 April

What happened this week: A new blog layout, dinners with friends, and some happy mail.

Left-hand side





This pocket is also a flip card, which I used to add more food photos underneath.

Right-hand side



The yellow tag is a printable from Studio Calico, and the stamps are from Heidi Swapp and Kelly Purkey.


Definitely can’t get enough of those gold stickers from MAMBI!

Techniques: Nothing particularly new, besides using cards from Dear Lizzy’s Daydreamer kit, which tied everything together nicely. Plus, I loved including the printable from Olya in this week’s spread.

Thoughts: I especially loved the color scheme this week – colorful, bright, and happy. It was a good week.

Project Life is a memory-keeping system created by Becky Higgins. I’m embarking on this year-long project to document all my memories in 2014. You can see my other Project Life posts here.

3 thoughts on “Project Life 2014 | week 15

  1. I love your style in these! Bright, colorful, simple, clean. The pictures are so pretty!

    By the way, I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! I really enjoy checking in on what you have to share. Follow this link… …to accept your nomination, share your nomination with others, and nominate some of your own favorite blogs for the award. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Pingback: Friday Favorites no. 051 | favorite posts of 2014 | amelia writes.

  3. Pingback: Let’s look at December | amelia writes.

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