Right Now | Thursday

Day 108: We have to choose joy and keep choosing it. Henri J.M. Nouwen.

Feeling grateful for how this week has been fairly productive.

Focusing on what is ahead.

Trying to get into a healthy routine.

Pinning recipes and projects on Pinterest.

Making new friends on Instagram and feeling so blessed.

Choosing to be thankful for all the good things, despite how uncertain other things are.

Thankful for the reminder and promise not to worry.

Exploring new things.


Remembering to choose joy.

Whatever you do, do it good.

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Wednesday Word | no. 022

Look Up / Carlo Mussett

Spring break was such a nice breather, albeit a little too short.

But I’ve spent this past week dealing with some unexpected curve balls, remembering to have faith, and trusting that everything will work out.

Dealing with things completely out of my control can be so scary, but such a good reminder that He is so much bigger than I am. And as I look up, He shows me His reality in so many little ways.

So I’m pressing on through this week, because He’ll get me through.

I hope the rest of your week is amazing x.

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Every Wednesday, I share a quote + some thoughts that have been especially relevant in my life during the week. Read more Wednesday Words here.

Wednesday Word | no. 020


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Remembering this quote today as I do my best to stay on top of things, despite how crazy busy it has been.

It’s one of those weeks where I feel like I don’t have enough hours in a day to complete my endless to-do list. So I’m just trying to stay focused and work at getting stuff done.

And as soon as this busyness eases, I’ll be back. Promise.

Every Wednesday, I share a quote + some thoughts that have been especially relevant in my life during the week. Read more Wednesday Words here.

Hello, February.

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It’s Monday and things around here are back to the full routine after the long Chinese New Year weekend.

But oh February, you’re going to be something great.

Hello to celebrating love and the things that matter most. Hello, new ideas and creativity. Hello, catching up on Project Life and documenting life. Hello, new friends and adjusting back to routines. Hello to making the most of the shortest month of the year.

Hello, February – let’s make you swell.

Right Now // Thursday


I haven’t done one of these Right Now posts in awhile, so I thought I’d jump back onto it!

Thankful for catch-up sessions with friends.

Itching to play and put my Project Life spreads together.

Trying to focus and get work done.

Making plenty of to-do lists.

Staying busy.

Reminding myself to breathe amidst all the work + stress.

Loving that Project Life is pushing me to capture life’s little moments.

Learning to embrace all that life throws at me.

Being positive.

Live every day with intention.

Only one more day to the weekend! xx