Get Messy | an art journal challenge no. 008

Get Messy art journal | Amelia Writes

I was one week too early for October’s prompt last week, but I decided to challenge myself and use the same prompt again this week. So you get double the inspiration for this month’s prompt 😉

One thing I love about Get Messy is how I get to channel my inner minimalist, as evident in this week’s pages.

Oui, chef!

Get Messy art journal | Amelia Writes

This page is for the art journal challenge: we constantly have an abundance of food, which is a huge part of our lives, so that is definitely something I’m thankful for. Plus, I also really wanted to use the adorable stamps from Kelly Purkey’s Bon Appetit set.

In everything give thanks.

Get Messy art journal | Amelia Writes

There is always so much to be thankful for, and I wanted to document this reminder to be thankful in all things.

While I am not a fan of my handwriting, I decided to use it for this week’s page. So I sketched out the lettering on a piece of scrap paper and used a Sharpie to write it out. It isn’t perfect, but I’m glad that I managed to include my handwriting somewhere.


Get Messy is an art journal challenge where a gang of crafty vixens are sharing art journal pages we have created to practise our skills and push past our creative limits with hopes to inspire. We share our pages without restraint every week, and once a month we create around a prompt. Go check out these crazy talented ladies who are creating pages who each have a unique perspective and style. We will be sharing our work around social media so follow the hashtag #getmessyartjournal.

7 thoughts on “Get Messy | an art journal challenge no. 008

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