

New Year’s resolutions are always on my mind at the beginning of the year. And given, we all begin with good intentions, which don’t really guarantee that resolutions are kept/goals are met.

But that’s the beauty of a new year – you get the chance to start over and begin with a clean slate all over again. And that’s what I love so much about starting each new year.

This year, my resolutions include:

  • Run every week
  • Spend less time on social media
  • Spend more time on things I enjoy, like reading, family time, and Project Life
    (and if that means less time blogging, that’s okay too!)
  • Spend at least five minutes in the Word every day
  • Keep up with Project Life
  • Actually print photos

I’m keeping these twenty thirteen resolutions + goals short and simple. And God willing, I’ll be able to look back on this year and be thankful that I actually finished what I started.

But we’ll wait and see for how that plays out.

Anyhow, I hope your year has been off to a fabulous start so far.
2013, you’re going to be good.


But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14

Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you!